Public Comment & Parent Concerns
Public Comment or Concerns
In the event of a disagreement, the following policy will be followed.
Level 1: Contact the teacher and set up a teacher conference. The principal may be included in the conference if necessary.
Level II: Parents have the right to appeal to the principal to resolve any issue. Most all issues can be resolved at this level.
Level III: Parents may appeal in writing to the Superintendent if they have no resolution with Level II. This appeal must be presented in writing and the Superintendent has ten days to respond to the parent.
Level IV: Final Resolution is determined at the board level. In the event that an issue is unresolved in Level I-III, Level IV: is the final level of appeal. Within ten days of the determination by the Superintendent, a parent must present in writing for an appearance before the board. The next scheduled board meeting will include a forum for the parents presentation. The board president may elect to hear the complaint in open or closed session. The parent may also petition to be heard in closed session. All decisions at the board level are final.