Uniform & Appearance
School Uniform Policy:
All Delta Academy students are required to wear uniform shirts. Khaki colored uniform bottoms are optional for all grade levels. Uniform colors are determined by grade and are as followed:
6th - 8th Grade Light Blue Delta shirt with logo in upper right corner
9th -11th Grade Dark Blue Delta shirt with logo in upper right corner
12th Grade Black Delta shirt with logo in upper right corner
Online Students White Delta shirt with logo in upper right corner
School Code: 1018
Campus Club Delta Flyer
2411 Tech Center Court, Suite 107
Las Vegas, NV 89128
P: (702) 360-0555
E: Contact@CampusClubUniforms.com
If students have ordered their Delta shirt they must wear the designated color shirt until the uniform shirt arrives.
Students may wear the Delta hoodie or sweat jacket, but they must also wear the uniform shirt under the sweatshirt.
Appearance Policy:
Student dress, personal appearance, and conduct are required to be of such character as not to disrupt or detract from the educational environment of the school. Any style that tends to diminish instructional effectiveness or discipline control by a teacher is not acceptable. The Delta Academy dress code is in accordance with CCSD Regulation 5131. The school administration shall have the right to designate which types of dress, fashion, fads, or appearance disrupt or detract from the educational program and may be a potential safety hazard. The specific requirements and prohibitions are:
The uniform shirt must be worn at all times.
Sagging is not allowed. Students need to be sure that they wear a belt if their pants donβt fit.
Require the wearing of shoes with soles (no house slippers).
Require the wearing of shirts or blouse appropriately buttoned in accord with the design of that shirt or blouse. Length must extend beyond the belt level with no skin showing between bottom of shirt/blouse and top of pants or skirts.
Prohibit wearing crop tops, and clothing that is strapless, low-cut or has slits, or tops and outfits that provide minimum coverage or that are transparent.
Require that all attire be at no more than one inch above the knee. If shorts are worn, they must be hemmed and without fraying. NO CUTOFFS! (Skin should not be visible more than one inch above the knee.)
No spaghetti straps are permitted; all sleeveless shirts must have straps at least three inches wide and cover the shoulder.
Prohibit the wearing of sunglasses in the building.
Prohibit the wearing of hats/headgear on campus except for designated areas.
Prohibit slogans or advertising on clothing, which by their controversial (i.e. Iron Cross) or obscene nature disrupt the educational setting. (This includes any clothing that advertises racial bigotry and sexual activities, cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, or drugs) jewelry, wallet chains, or any gang-related clothing.
Coats, mittens, and scarves must be removed upon entering the building.
Prohibits the wearing of pants in a sagging fashion that displays private undergarments, or any attire that is not conducive to the educational setting of The Delta Academy. No undergarments may be displayed.
Any student violating the dress code will not be allowed to attend class. Continuous violations will result in Required Parent Conferences and/ or suspensions. The principal shall retain the authority to grant exceptions for special occasions and/or conditions.