Step-Up / College Program
Please click on the button below for a presentation about our Step-up Program and get all the details!
High School students take advantage of this amazing opportunity!
High School students enrolled at The Delta Academy can apply to take two free classes a semester at the College of Southern Nevada (CSN) FOR FREE!! This opportunity allows students to earn high school and college credit simultaneously for one class. Students can explore college educational paths and/or career and vocational opportunities while attending high school.
Dual Enrollment with the College of Southern Nevada!
Students can take up to two FREE classes a semester at the CSN
Classes are available in business, culinary, computing, automotive technology and more!
Students earn college and high school credit for their college classes
Classes are held at College of Southern Nevada
Upon graduating from high school, college classes transfer into FREE college credits
Limited number of spaces available
RETURN TO: The Front Desk or email to
Please fill out both applications below.
Application Part Two - Please leave the boxes indicating what classes you are signing up for blank. We will enroll you in the correct classes after acceptance.